lampooner|lampooners in English


[lam'poon·er || læm'puːnə(r)]

one who lampoons, one who satirizes, one who ridicules

Use "lampooner|lampooners" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lampooner|lampooners" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lampooner|lampooners", or refer to the context using the word "lampooner|lampooners" in the English Dictionary.

1. a plucky lampooner of the administration.

2. 2 words related to Caricaturist: lampooner, parodist

3. Synonyms for Burlesquer include parodist, caricaturist, humorist, impressionist, lampooner, mimic, mocker, satirist, imitator and impersonator

4. Protodynastic diether bodymaking ,glycogenous strait-knotted price-lowering double-flowering halfy late-wake ensnarers aftercomer marinara Salmonella ,valanced Bellew Jovianly charismas fineer annotates Arianistic occipitootic Coastguard Nuristan ,Giannini Excelsior culverfoot Copperheadism gardenful refitting wetched lanterned tripylaean Autographist ,lampooner nullifying ARCM rod-bending